NFT Beginner’s Guide list
Metamask mobile app is both a wallet and a browser. You can buy, spend and exchange your digital assets. Make payments to anyone and log into websites securely to trade assets, lend, borrow, play games, publish content, buy rare digital art, and much more.
unhiding nfts
on opensea
In an attempt to protect users from unwarranted NFTs, Opensea places airdrops into the hidden NFTs section, similar to the spam folder for email clients. In this video, we discuss how to unhide NFTs from verified sources so they’ll be viewable on your profile.
What is an NFT?
This is one of the best general explanations we’ve seen in under 20 minutes. Josh Harris does a great job of providing a quick rundown from blockchain, to bitcoin, to how we got here to NFT and beyond. This is the perfect start for someone who is curious about learning the basics about it all in an interesting way.
NFT words & Terminology
Trying to keep track of NFT and Web3 information is tough if you don’t know the language. You’ll see terms and acronyms you’ve never heard before, but this list is good for giving you the basic words and phrases to explain actions, digital items, platforms, and players within the space to get started. As the space, technology, and communities grow, as will the vocabulary so try to keep up ! (Bonus: NFT Vocab for Twitter)
NFT and Ownership
If you’re interested in learning more about how NFT ownership looks, this video is short, succinct, and informative. It does a great job of explaining how ownership works on the blockchain, a brief concept of “value” (which is very important to grasp) and how NFT can be applicable outside of the creative space.
Nft marketplace
NFT’s can be purchased through a lot of platforms, but the most consumer facing marketplaces currently are Opensea, Foundation, SuperRare and Rarible. There are also a few upcoming platforms that are making it easier to buy NFT’s like, Nifty Gateway and potentially Coinbase in the near future.
Cryptopunks, Million dollar jpegs?
As one of the pioneers of the CryptoArt space, CryptoPunks are one of the most sought after NFT Artworks in the market. But have you ever wondered why? In this video, Slance does a great job of explaining the origin of CryptoPunk as well introducing topics like Generative Art, Minting, and how to purchase NFTs.
To the metaverse & beyond
Metaverse: a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users. That definition is vague and can apply to pretty much any battle Royale game like Fortnite, Apex Legends, Warzone and etc. However, Metaverse platforms are becoming a lot more universal outside of the realm of gaming. Platforms like Decentraland, CryptoVoxels, Sandbox and Horizon Home by Meta (Facebook) are examples of Metaverse platforms focusing on human interaction and experiences. This allows people to connect in the metaverse from the comfort of their own home or any where in the world with an internet connection. To some this idea may seem a bit scary or too close to Black Mirror or the Twilight Zone, but these platforms are really giving people access to experiences they may never have the opportunity to without the metaverse.
Bitcoin: How it all started
We may be in the minority, but we think it’s important to understand how it all started. We recommend reading the first two sections of the Bitcoin White Paper published by Satoshi Nakamoto - The person or persons (it’s a mystery, oooohhh) who developed bitcoin and made the first blockchain database. It’s pretty remarkable how specific the idea of Bitcoin is, the problem it solves, and how it can change the way we to peer-to-peer transactions forever.
A friend put us on to this decentralized writing platform. If you’re a writer looking for a supportive community that values reading quality articles and the people who write them, you should check this out. The description here shows how interesting the platform really is:
“One of the major differences is that provides tools for writers to earn in cryptocurrency rather than through typical cash transactions. In addition, authors can seek crowdfunding for creative projects via non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that can be continuously traded and keep earning on the writer’s behalf. This is made possible through Mirror’s utilization of the Ethereum blockchain.”
The tim Ferris Show - web3
The most comprehensive, yet digestible information that we’ve heard on Web3, NFT and beyond can be found here. Tim Ferris interviews Web3 investors Naval Ravikant and Chris Dixon about what Web3 is and how far it can go to change the future. It’s a long one but it’s enlightening for those who are curious about what is “actually” going on in the space.
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